Commission on Preparation
for Ministry (CPM)
Chair: Rev. Heather Prince-Doss
In keeping with the Book of Order, the committee shall:
Oversee the preparation of the inquirers and candidates for their task as teaching elders as provided in the Book of Order (G-2.06).
Have the authority to dismiss candidates and enroll inquirers, reporting to the next stated meeting of presbytery.
Follow the interpretation of its responsibilities as determined by the appropriate agency of the general assembly.
In regard to making exceptions to the requirements for candidacy, the "extraordinary candidate" (G-2.0610) shall be one who has demonstrated inability to fulfill a requirement. The lack of fulfillment should not reflect diminished scholarship or preparedness or effectiveness in or for ministry.
Oversee the training and preparation of prospective commissioned lay pastors. Once this committee determines that they are adequately prepared, the Committee on Ministry will be advised and may proceed to commission them when and if desired.
CPM does not have scheduled meetings, and meets as the needs of their candidates require.
The handbook (on the PCUSA website) provides moderators, presbytery staff, and applicants with an overview of the process and resources, its intentions and goals. A new edition of the Advisory Handbook has been released to reflect amendments to the Book of Order approved by the presbyteries in 2017. The handbook is available as a free downloadable resource in PDF format.