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Outreach - Who Gets Funds
VT Ecumenical Council

The Vermont Ecumenical Council is made up of a diverse network of Christians in Vermont consisting of individuals members and the following denominations:


  1. American Baptist Churches of VT and NH,

  2. Episcopal Diocese of VT,

  3. New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,

  4. Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston,

  5. Presbytery of Northern New England, Presbyterian Church, USA,

  6. Northwest Quarter of New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends,

  7. New England Conference, United Methodist Church,

  8. Vermont Conference, United Church of Christ. 


The Council’s shared purpose is to work cooperatively to “serve the common good through public worship and prayer; acts of mercy and care; and loving prophetic witness for peace, justice, and the integrity of Creation."

They carry out their mission by:

  • Witnessing the Gospel message of loving God and our neighbor through our action, prayer, and worship;

  • Facilitating communication among the wider Christian community in VT;

  • Fostering cooperation among Christians in VT;

  • Building an active, diverse membership within the network;

  • Encouraging the formation of various ministry partnerships;

  • Collaborating with the larger faith community and secular society; and

  • Purchasing and distributing free Bibles.

Following the Lund Principle, this group, which is the largest Christian network in Vermont, embraces the belief that “Christians are called to cooperate in all things where conscience does not dictate otherwise.”  In years past, the Council’s committees have also created statements on a variety of important topics such as:

  • the environment and economic justice,

  • immigration,

  • end of life issues,

  • the sacred gift of water, and

  • racism.

These historical statements along with other pertinent information is available to read on their website or call Betsy Hardy, Treasurer and Administrator, at 802-434-3397, to find out more about this faithful, vibrant, organization.

~~Respectfully submitted by Karen Hagy

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