PNNE PW 2023 Spring Retreat
PW 2023 Spring Retreat Pictures

Friday and Saturday May 12-13 2023 Calumet Lutheran Camp and Conference Center Freedom, NH
Come both days or Saturday Only
Friday/Saturday Program $110.00
Registration, Friday dinner,
Saturday breakfast and lunch
Saturday Program $30.00
Registration, Saturday breakfast and lunch
Make checks payable to:
Presbyterian Women PNNE
2023 Spring Retreat with the Presbyterian Women
of the Presbytery on Northern New England
Planting Faith Seeds in the Next Generation
This year's annual Spring Retreat will be held at the Calumet Lutheran Camp and Conference Center in Ossipee, New Hampshire. Those of you who have attended retreats there in the past know that it is a great place with excellent food. And the good news is that extensive remodeling has provided a private bathroom for each room.
The full retreat experience begins with registration from 3:00-5:30PM on Friday, May 12. Women arriving between those hours will have a chance to check out the pre retreat activities, the silent auction items and the “Prayer Toolbox” where you can explore different prayer traditions and aids. After registration all will gather for dinner in Calumet’s fellowship hall.
After dinner an ice breaker with the Rev. Heather Prince Doss will introduce the theme of the retreat, Planting Faith Seeds in the Next Generation. Heather will guide us through several activities, and provide opportunities for each woman to share her unique journey through faith that has lived for generations. After Heather’s part of the program there will be free time, games and a time for relaxation or meditation.
Saturday attendees will join the Friday night group for activities led by Beth Kidd, a long-time nurse and missionary, who founded Place of Promise in Dorchester, MA, in 1994 and moved it to Lowell in 2000. Today, Place of Promise operates four long-term residential homes, offers programming for children from elementary through high school, and provides training and internships for churches, ministries, and the next generation of ministry leadership. This part of our program will include a very special panel discussion of youth members from our presbytery who will share their own faith journey and how it impacts their lives and the lives of those around them. Saturday will also include the annual business meeting where new officers will be elected. There will be breakout sessions that include “soil stations” to explore what we need for faith to grow in hard soil, rocky soil, weedy soil, and good soil. Lunch will be served, and the day will conclude with the results of the silent auction and a worship service with communion.
These are the question we will explore:
1. What is the faith that we want to pass on? What makes it worthy of being passed on?
2. How do we not conform to our culture? How do we stay in the narrow path vs wide way?
Kingdom of darkness vs kingdom of light?
3. How do we live the Christian faith and teach it to our children and grandchildren?
4. Practical ways to encourage the next generations to stay on the narrow way and make the faith their own.
The retreat will end around 3:30 following the worship service as we depart for home.
Registration is Closed
“Planting faith seeds in the next generation”
Exploring how to invite the next generation to faith through acts of service,
acts of communication, and ways to share individual practices of prayer.
If you make a mistake in your registration, refresh the page and register again,
and note your action in the "Comments or Questions" field.