Transitions and
Terms of Call
The purpose of this PCUSA manual is to help participants in the pastoral call process understand their responsibilities and tasks from the time a pastor has announced his or her departure until a new pastor is called and installed.
Interim Pastor and Pastoral Search Checklist
This two-page document is intended to be a check-list for an interim pastor leading to a pastoral search, for use by the church and by COM.
Stated Supply Pastor Search Checklist
This two-page document is intended to be a check-list for a stated supply pastor, for use by the church and by COM.
This four-page document provides step-by-step procedures to ensure the integrity of the process, adherence to policy and rules, and protection of all involved.
Resources for Finding an Interim
This two-page document provides some information about interim ministry resources online, some of which provide lists of available interim pastors, and some of which let churches list job openings.
A one-page document outlining two approaches to Mission Study.
This 22-page document is a comprehensive document providing requirements and guidelines of a Mission Study.
This is a 35-slide presentation designed for the leadership in your congregation. It includes resource references, an overview of how Moses was a change leader, and questions intended to inspire discussion.
Sample Covenant Contract — Interim
This two-page document can be copied from our Google Drive for use by your congregation in contracting with an Interim pastor.
Sample Covenant Contract — Stated Supply
This two-page document can be copied from our Google Drive for use by your congregation in contracting with an Interim pastor.
Sample Covenant Contract — Installed
This two-page document can be copied from our Google Drive for use by your congregation in contracting with an Installed pastor.
The Board of Pensions designed Living by the Gospel for Committees on Ministry, Committees on Preparation for Ministry, and Pastor Nominating Committees. It is a reference and a guide to structuring ministers’ terms of call, with a particular emphasis on the importance of benefits. The appendices include information on effective salary by job code, geography, congregation size, gender, and minister age.
2022 Minimum Compensation Policy
This two-page document has been approved by the PNNE meeting in Assembly and must be followed by all congregations.
2023 Minimum Compensation Policy
This two-page document has been approved by the PNNE meeting in Assembly and must be followed by all congregations.
2024 Minimum Compensation Policy
This three-page document has been approved by the Presbytery and must be followed by all congregations.
2025 Minimum Compensation Policy
This two-page document has been approved by the PNNE during their Stated meeting and must be followed by all congregations. The Documents available
thru the buttons below are recommended by COM to be used when calculating Terms of Call.
Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT)
Click this link to be taken to the CAT page on website.
This link will take you to the login page for MissionInsite. MissionInsite is a community analysis tool, to reveal demographic and financial insights about the community around you, so you can move from data to decisions.
CLC Tutorials and Webinars on
​If you missed the webinar for mid council leaders explaining the new Church Leadership Connection platform, it’s available in an Equip course, New CLC Tutorials and Webinars, for which an Equip account is not necessary. Check there for other information to be posted when available.